Mark has started back to class. Every Monday and Wednesday he heads out about 5:30 and doesn't return until well after the boys are in bed. This means Momma needs to get creative with evening activities. I mean the poor kids have been stuck with me all day already. I try to do something fun and special. Tonight we baked.
Liam has been asking to make brownies for like two weeks, so brownies it was. He helps measure all the ingredients and pour them into the bowl. Today's picture is of Chef Liam stirring the brownie batter. You'll notice the look of utter concentration. Stirring is tough work, people! Please also note the chocolate smeared on his cheek. I'll give you three guesses how that got there...
the batter is ready we spray the pan with cooking spray. Momma has to help Liam with that one, that button needs a lot of pressure. We put the batter into the pan and into the oven it goes. Now for the piece de resistance, the good stuff, the icing on the proverbial cake. Let the licking of the spoon commence! Okay, I'm cheating and posting a second picture. Connor is starting to get involved with the baking process as well. At least that last part!
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