Sunday, March 15, 2009


My laptop is down. I will be continuing to post including all the posts I'm backlogged with. Please continue to check back as I will do my best to post as soon as I can. Things may be a bit more sporadic than usual initially, but I promise to be back up to speed as soon as I can.


Saturday, February 28, 2009

Say Cheese!, February 28

Oh, cheese. How do we love thee? Let me count the ways. You are an amazing afternoon snack. You fit perfectly on a sandwich or in a bologna "roll-up". We add you to macaroni, your soul mate, for a nice comforting meal. Easily portable, you're a food on the go. Each trip to the deli would not be complete without a piece of cheese. You are even there for us at Kip's on Sunday mornings. The same sweet Heather who makes our pancakes makes sure each boy leaves with a piece of cheese on the way out the door. American, provolone, cheddar, Swiss, we love you all.

I'm pretty sure Connor's look of sheer joy says it best.

Weather, February 27

Curiosity may have killed the cat, but it sure doesn't harm anyone in this house. Liam's latest interest has been the weather. I think it started with an episode of Curious George. Now he looks out the window every day and tells me all about what's going on in the wonderful world of weather.

"It's windy out today, Momma. Look at how those trees are moving!"
"Mr. Sunshine is behind the clouds today."
"It is nice and sunny, let's go outside!"

Today's picture was taken as my little meteorologist was assessing how quickly the clouds were moving, how dark they seemed to be, and whether all of that meant rain. For those of you naysayers, he does better than channel 10!

Pancakes and Flapjacks, February 26

The boys have been requesting pancakes breakfast, lunch, and dinner all week. Not sure what is up with it, but they're cheap and fairly easy so I cave, at least for breakfast. I think they'd eat their weight in pancakes if possible.

Daddy has started a new game with them which I think has only added to the fascination. He calls it "Flapjacks". It basically consists of Mark holding the boys over his head until they nearly burst from giggling so long and then he flips them over onto the couch or bed. They, obviously, adore this game. In honor of the week-long griddlefest and Daddy's newest activity I've posted today's picture.

Safety First, February 25

Admittedly, not the best picture. If you know Liam, however, it's a common look. He is obsessed with his helmet. Grandma sent it long ago and he's been looking for any excuse to wear it from then on. He is now able to put it on himself and will, pardon the pun, at the drop of a hat. He wears it when riding his big wheel or tricycle (good). He wears it while being pulled in his wagon (a little unnecessary). He wears it while pretending to cut the front lawn, lamenting that he can't fit his ear protection over it (this one is just weird). Never can be too safe, you know! Liam takes note of all bike riders and motorcyclists who drive by our house. Commenting for all to hear, "She has her helmet on, Momma". Or even better, "Why is that man not wearing his helmet?" just loud enough so the man turns to double check. Why, yes, sir. That was a two year old commenting on your lack of safety precaution.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Under Lock and Key, February 24

This is my cupboard. Just one of the many, but each looks like this. Each one locked up tight, except for that one where the childproof lock was snapped off by one of the children it was supposed to be proofing. Why is everything locked up you may ask? Kids are faster than lightening, that's why. Try to turn your back for a moment, next thing you know the kitchen floor is covered in cereal. Or an entire roll of paper towels is unfurled in a pile. Or every can on the shelf has been taken down and used in lieu of blocks, one can only assume, to build a tower. Or a little boy who loves to bake pulls out a five pound bag of sugar and tries to eat it by the fistful. I wish these were only "what ifs". Oh no, they are reasons. Reminders to lock that annoying childproofing device behind you. Reasons why every cupboard in my house looks just like this one.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Ducks in a Row, February 23

Trucks, cars, motorcycles. Wooden, metal, plastic. Vehicles that make noise, vehicles that take off when pushed, vehicles that are big enough to ride on. We've got that. Something for any occasion. In a house with two boys we are not hurting for toy vehicles. The last few days the random collection of smallish hand held cars and trucks have been Liam's favorite pastime. He doesn't really race them or roll them all over the house. His favorite game is parking lot. He loves nothing more than to get all his toy cars lined up in a row. Perfectly neat and orderly. He just about throws a fit if Connor tries to remove a car from the lot. I took this picture once the boys had gone upstairs for a nap. Wouldn't want to accidentally bump one with Liam around to catch me :)...

Sunday Breakfast, February 22

I love Sundays. Sundays are slow and easy. A day for family; to regroup, to relax, and to prepare oneself for the week ahead. We start our Sundays with a great tradition of breakfast out. It started a lifetime ago now, two lifetimes actually, when Mark and I used to go to breakfast after enjoying sleeping late on a Sunday morning. Kip's is our restaurant of choice. A family-run greasy spoon on a busy corner in Pawtucket. The kind of place where the food is good, the coffee strong, and nothing on the menu runs you more than five dollars. We've been bringing Liam long before he was old enough to actually have breakfast himself. Soon he was able to order his own pancakes and hasn't looked back. Now we've got Connor eating with a fork and enjoying every bite. The boys run in every weekend full of excitement. They greet everyone by name as we head to our favorite booth in the back corner. Liam checks in with "the guys", a group of three or four older gentleman who eat here every morning. Momma and Daddy get their much needed coffee as the waitresses chat with the boys. It's a nice reminder of community, what I imagine neighborhoods used to be. I love Sundays.

Calendar, February 21

I am a woman working without a safety net. I make plans, I celebrate holidays, I even remember doctors appointments all without a calendar. That is correct. There is not a single calendar to be found in the house. I planned on getting one, I mean who doesn't plan on owning a calendar? They just seemed so expensive when I first started browsing. I remember shopping in the bookstore last fall when the display went up. I must have looked at every calendar, no small feat I assure you, there must be 400 options if there is 1. Nothing really inspired me, jumped out, said "Now, I BELONG in your kitchen." I really couldn't justify spending $14.99 on a few sheets of paper held together with a staple to remind me what day it is. I figured I'd wait until after Christmas when everything gets marked down. After the holidays turned into January, next thing I know it's February 21. I don't have a calendar and doubt I could find one if I wanted this late in the year. So I'm winging it. I'll let you know how it turns out..and if I forget your birthday, you'll know why :).

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Ride 'em Cowboy, February 20

Oh, the zebra. Hours of entertainment that thing. It bounces, it plays music, it spins in circles. It's a zebra wearing a saddle and red sneakers, for goodness sake, what's not to love?

Connor rides this thing like a cowboy in a rodeo. By the time all is said and done I really think I'm gonna have to get that boy a buckle.

Today's picture shows Connor all grins after his twenty-third ride today. He's smiling as he prepares for ride number 24.

Woooo Hooo!

Dizzy, February 19

Snow is gone, mostly. Boys are happy. The yard is theirs to play in again. Nothing more than mud slowing them down. Although today didn't even have that, it is back to seasonable temperatures which left the ground too frozen for all that.

The swing has always been a favorite yard toy. Why we have one swing and two boys is beyond me. Although I'm not sure how I'd be able to push two kids in two swings simultaneously. I thought Liam might outgrow the swing this year. It is a "baby" swing after all. He definitely hasn't outgrown it, just getting creative in how he uses it.

The swing has now become a thrill ride. Liam likes to be spun up until the ropes are so twisted he can't be spun anymore. Then Momma, Daddy, or whatever adult he's coerced into helping him lets go and the real ride begins. He spins and spins and giggles and spins some more. When the swing finally comes to a stop I expect to see a green little boy asking to get off. Instead I see a kid smiling ear to ear and begging to go just one more time. When he finally does get off I can see he isn't immune to being dizzy as I thought, after begging to be spun a third time, he might be. He stumbles around the backyard like a drunken sailor...although I think that's half the fun.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Cup 'o Joe, February 18

It is no secret how I feel about coffee. I'm on a three cup a day habit, at least. I think I am passing that on to the boys. They aren't coffee drinkers yet, mind you, but they are being groomed. Liam recognized the "Dunkin' Donuts" sign before he was old enough to form a sentence. He takes a deep sniff every time we go down the coffee aisle at the grocery store, telling me "I smell COFFEE, Momma" Both boys love to watch me measure out the grounds into the coffee maker. Connor shakes with excitement when its his turn to press the button to get the coffee started.
Today Connor had some fun with Momma's cup when she was through. Nothing left but the smell, but that was good enough for him.

Bottoms Up, February 17

I don't normally post naked baby pictures. I couldn't resist today, however. I took this shot as the boys were heading in for their evening bath. I should say hightailing in for their bath. All I have to do is announce "Bath Time!" and they are off and running. Nothing does the heart more good than seeing two naked bottoms bouncing toward the bathroom door. Forgive me, but I had to share.

EDITORS NOTE: This post did contain a really cute naked bottom picture of the boys. I was made aware of laws prohibiting the posting of such photos. I wouldn't want them to get into the wrong hands. If you would like to see the photo (MOM) Please let me know. Otherwise, Please enjoy the above reminder to post with caution.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Hey Good Lookin',February 16

Whatchya got cookin'? Today we baked yet again. Chocolate chip cookies to be precise. Liam still wants to help, but once they are in the oven he's off to conquer a new and more exciting endeavour. Connor, on the other hand, has little real interest in assisting in the baking process. He'll fight for a spot at the counter, mind you, he just isn't really interested in the measuring, mixing and pouring. Until they go in the oven and then he stands at the oven door like someone watching a movie preview seeing the yumminess that is to come. He does have a short attention span, but as quick as he goes he's back again gazing in to see how things are coming along.

So there are two pictures today. Connor looking over the treats that are to come, and then enjoying them thoroughly when they do.

Help Wanted, February 15

This pretty much sums up my spare time these days. Looking for work, submitting resumes, and waiting. It is the toughest job market I've ever seen. I think just about everyone is in the midst of a "hiring freeze". I'm sure something will come along shortly, until then I'll be spending my time knee deep in the want ads.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valetine's Day!, February 14

Today's picture; a valentine from the boys to you. We celebrated by making special Valentine's Day cupcakes. The boys helped mix the batter and watched Momma pour it into the little paper cups. Liam did an amazing job frosting the cupcakes with me. He was so patient, I was blown away. I started by letting him help me frost a special cupcake just for him. He did such a good job with his I let him help me frost the rest. And then the came the real fun, SPRINKLES. Not just any sprinkles, but pink, red, and white sprinkles with little hearts mixed in. Quite festive.
Liam had even more fun delivering the cupcakes than making them. We brought them to some of our neighbors along with the valentines we'd made the day before. He was also sure to save a few for Memere when she came over. He was quite disappointed we couldn't bring any to Grandma. I tried to explain why a trip to Florida to deliver cupcakes wasn't in the budget, but he wasn't buying any of it. Happy Valentine's Day!

Friday, February 13, 2009

Getting Crafty, February 13

We got down with some crafts today. It was Liam's first foray into making valentines. Connor, really, was just along for the ride. As soon as Liam saw the crayons and construction paper he was excited. When he saw the stickers he did the happy dance. When he found out paint was would have thought it was Christmas. Liam worked tirelessly on his valentines, only stopping to hear what step came next. Connor helped a bit, but was way more into the rice krispies treat than the project. Either way, we had a great afternoon. Memere, Aunt Doris, and Ava even came over to join in the fun.

Construction Paper and Crayons: $2.99
Paints: $3.49
Stickers: $.99
Teaching your kids every holiday is worth celebrating: Priceless

Thursday, February 12, 2009

A sorrow shared is half the sorrow, February 12

Aaaannnnd...We're back to time out. Not that "we" the folks in this house have ever drifted from time out mind you. It is on the tip of my tongue more than just about any other phrase, I'd be willing to bet. It has now surpassed Do you have a dirty diaper?, Who made this mess?, and Get down from there! It is quickly closing in on "No" as the most uttered phrase in the house. I've just neglected sharing our daily trials and tribulations with "we" our reading public.

Connor is still in the honeymoon stage of discipline. He isn't really experiencing time outs first hand...Oh, but they're coming. So to him, it is fun to sit in the naughty chair. He thinks of it as a game. Especially when Liam is already sitting there, carrying on like it's the end of the world. Connor likes nothing more than to run up giggling and try to climb right up and join his brother. If Liam protests, even better! Makes the game more fun. Today's picture is of Connor worming his way onto the naughty chair and into Liam's heart...whether he admits it or not :).

Thawing Out, February 11

Another warm day, which means no hats and, of course, puddles. The boys had a BALL outside today. The snow was melted enough in most places so Connor could actually walk around. Liam was a little confused by there being such warm weather. Puddles to jump in and snow piles left to climb on? What is going on? Well, hopefully this is a sign of the good things to come. Today's picture is of Liam doing what else but stomping through a puddle. Both boys went inside sopping wet, caked in mud, but with huge smiles on their faces! Momma did, too.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Rainbow Sprinkles, February 10

I made some chocolate chip cookies today. Baking with the boys, even just having them around while I bake doubles the time it takes to get anything finished. I have childproof locks on all the cupboard doors for the boy's safety and my sanity. When I take the lock off the door its like I just opened Pandora's Box. We have the fun of baking, but I know somewhere at some point there will be a mess. I wasn't disappointed today.

Secret Agent Connor quietly made his way off the stool at the counter where he'd been mixing with Liam and I and headed to the cupboard. I gave a quick glance and was surprised to find him looking, but not touching. Wow! Someone actually listened to instructions? The first time? I was still glowing with pride when Connor got bored and headed into the living room. Liam and I continued to make cookies. Connor found one of his toy instruments to play with and I heard the constant shake, shake, shake. Then I heard an unusual sound. It sounded like his shaker had opened up and the pieces had fallen all over the floor. That's when it hit me. That little thief had stolen my sprinkles from the cabinet. When I came into the living room, this is what I found. A VERY happy little boy surrounded by rainbow sprinkles, eating them as fast as he could, in his glory.

Monday, February 9, 2009

House, February 9

I didn't start watching the first season. As a matter of fact I only started watching at all by default. Mark had the guys over for what I affectionately refer to as 'Geek Night', I was on baby duty (just Liam in those days) so television was just about the only form of entertainment I could muster with only one arm free. Books get too heavy, magazines are slippery and awkward, forget the laptop. The only show even remotely interesting in that particular time slot was House. After the first episode I was muttering to the TV "Who does this @$$#0!* think he is?" I am now addicted.

I would hate this guy if I met him. He is everything I detest about the stereotypical male, humanity even, rolled into one. He is rude, smarmy, cocky, insensitive, completely self-absorbed and just plain mean. One, however, can't argue with results. As old time pitching great and hall of famer Dizzy Dean once said, "It ain't braggin' if you can do it." So I tune in week after week to see Dr. House once again, discover and treat the rare mysterious illness, but not really grow as a character. Not too many shows can keep an audience with a stagnant character. House is such a train wreck to begin with. You just can't help but watch.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Sunday in the Park, February 8

Another nice day, two in a row. I'm scared to go back to real winter at this point. We ventured to Slater Park today to enjoy some of the 'tropical' 50 degree weather. I even opened the windows in the house for half an hour to let some of the fresh, albeit cool, air in.

The boys were beside themselves. Running from animal pen to animal pen, toy to toy, like each was a long lost friend. Some of the toys were still piled in the corner of the play yard waiting for the rest of the snow to melt. Creature of habit that he is, Liam was a little disappointed that things weren't as they are supposed to be. He wasn't disappointed for too long, though. He caught sight of a brand new digger truck and went to work. He plowed some of the snow off the play area and used the dump truck for disposal. Bob the Builder would be proud! Connor on the other hand didn't let the pile of toys deter him in the least. My little acrobat just tried to climb right in despite the mess.

Puddles, February 7

Puddles are everywhere. They make me thankful for two things; the warmer weather and waterproof boots. The boys are loving being able to go outside for longer periods of time. I'm developing ulcers trying to navigate them around the icy patches covered by slick water. All in all, par for the course :).

Today's picture is of Connor getting his feet wet, both literally and figuratively. This is a safe shallow little puddle, my personal favorite.

City Mouse, February 6

I'm afraid Liam is already exhibiting signs of one of my bad habits. He collects things. Not useful things; coins, books, ideas for world domination ;). Not entirely useless either; lint, expired coupons, excuses to get out of time out. He has a motley collection of random items that have caught his eye. Things like a cap from a milk jug, just the right shade of green, I guess. Any part of a pop-up type book that has been accidentally torn out by overeager young readers. And today, these 3-D glasses.

Do we own a 3-D DVD? No. Do we have a 3-D book or poster? Nope. They were kept purely because of how cool he thinks he looks in them. Fashion forward Liam models his latest addition to the collection.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Country Mouse, February 5

My boy Connor is at it again. Chewing on things that is. His oral fixation of late is the straws that fall from my broom. Fun. Dirty and a safety hazard. Apparently our broom has a shedding problem. All week long I've been picking up straws from the floor. Logically I can't understand how they weren't swept up with everything else. Connor finds these straws like it's his superpower. He usually stands with one in his hand looking slightly befuddled until I come along and snatch it away. When I found him innocently, and quite thoughtfully I might add, chewing on this straw today I couldn't help but take a picture. He just looked like a country boy from a movie, about to tell me how much it would cost to have my truck fixed.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Two Minutes, February 4

I left the room for two minutes, if that. 120 seconds is all it took. Liam, the brains of the operation, was able to reach far enough onto the kitchen counter to grab the box of kleenex. Connor, the brawn, gets down to business pulling out a fistful of tissues at a time. I walk back into the living room blissfully unaware of Operation Runny Nose now underway.

I should have guessed when I heard the giggles. Liam tells me he just wanted to wipe up a little water he spilled on the floor. Connor grins and holds up some kleenex when I start crying over the mess...okay,not really. I admit it. I laughed. I couldn't help it. I mean didn't you start giggling when you saw this picture? I try to keep my composure when reprimanding and normally do really well. But come on! I'm not made of stone.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Glasses, February 3

Connor was reading with Memere this afternoon, nothing too unusual about that. He has always been fascinated by her reading glasses. I don't know if it's the whole "Clark Kent/Superman" it looks like a disguise thing. I'm not sure if it's just the idea of wearing something on your face. Either way, Connor always giggles when Memere puts on her glasses. Today he decided it was his turn to see what all the fuss was about. He put them on, by himself and in the right position, which was pretty impressive. He then proceeded to walk around the living room giggling and twirling in circles for ten minutes straight. I think he would have gone on all afternoon if I hadn't gotten worried for his safety and future vision. I managed to get the whirling dervish to stop long enough to take a picture, he refused to stop giggling however.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Computer, February 2

Daddy finally hooked up Liam's computer today. Now the computer is actually Mark's, as you can tell from the manly panelled walls in Mark's "office" AKA the room that will one day belong to a child. I'm not sure how long boys will willingly share a bedroom, but I'm guessing it isn't until they are 18. Tangent, sorry.

Anyway, Liam's little keyboard is all set up and he plugged in his headphones. He absolutely loved it. He was upstairs from about 3 until dinnertime. As soon as he woke up this morning he was asking to play again. I think he definitely ended up with some of his Daddy's interests after all. I better not see a 12-sided die or Magic the Gathering card near the boy for quite some time, though, thank you very much!

Dirty Laundry, February 1

There are four people that live in this house. That equals two pairs of underwear (Yes, we're still working on the potty training, thank you very much!!), two onsies, four pairs of pants, four shirts, eight socks, and a few wash clothes/towels every day. That pretty much fills up a laundry basket. I feel we are drowning in laundry. I am not even the person responsible for doing the laundry and I still feel overwhelmed by it.

Mark is the laundry guy, thanks to our "special" washer. It needs to be coddled and manhandled all at the same time. Don't ask, I don't. All I know is I can't work it. I do, however, attempt to help by folding the laundry when it's done. Here is a basketful. You can pretty much walk into my house at any given time and see this very same image. No matter how often we do it, no matter how on top of things or caught up I feel, laundry wins just about every time. Hey, at least we're dressed, right?

Lazy Days, January 31

Today was a good day. Mark didn't work, the boys were pretty calm. We were homebodies, with the exception of an errand or two. As much fun as we have going out here there and everywhere, nothing, in my opinion beats a nice lazy day at home.

Today's picture is of Liam lounging on the couch. We had just finished a nice lunch of grilled cheese and chicken noodle soup. He is still clutching his water cup while he watches the Curious George movie. Ah, the weekend.

Read All About It, January 30

As I've mentioned in previous posts, the boys love them some books. We've recently switched from song singing to book reading at bedtime. Liam is especially enjoying hearing all the different stories. He is learning the difference in Mark and my styles of reading and developing a preference for certain people reading certain books. His very favorite though, is getting a new person to read a book to him. Try as we may, it is tough to muster the level of interest in the story one has the first time they read it on say the oh, I don't know, 437th time. Aunt Doris came for a visit today with Memere. You bet within the first 20 minutes she was asked to read a few books. As you can see, the boys enjoyed every minute of it.

PBS, January 29

PBS is the reason I get anything done. No, really. Before having kids myself I always kind of looked at television before a certain age as a no-no. I imagined it would sap creativity and make kids lethargic and difficult to engage. Now, I think those things don't sound so bad. KIDDING! Now, I know that television can be an amazing tool. Firstly, my kids are actually learning things. Which is good. Secondly, and more importantly :P, I can actually get the dishes done. So, I am eternally grateful to Curious George, Super Why and Sid the Science Kid. Without their help I don't think I'd have a dish to eat off of. Not to mention a folded piece of laundry, a bathroom mirror I could see into, and a kitchen floor that isn't covered in crumbs.

Today's picture is of the boys enjoying their daily dose of PBS. What the heck was I doing taking pictures? There is housework to be done!

The Line Up, January 28

With over a foot of snow left on the ground our time outdoors is definitely impacted. I try and make it outside every day, even if it's just for an errand in the car on the bitter cold days. Weather being what it is, it's still necessary to suit up every day before heading outside. The dressing process is, in and of itself quite a process. If you have never tried to squeeze a 15 month old's fingers into a pair of gloves, you haven't lived. The two year old who just can't wait to get outside, then inexplicably melts into a puddle while trying to fit him into a pair of snow pants. Priceless, truly.

We go out, have fun, get cold, and head back in. We've got on an extra couple layers, now covered in snow. Which means when coming back in, we must complete the process in reverse. This process leads to a permanent pile of drying mittens, hats, and scarves. Not to mention, as seen in today's photo, a line of winter boots waiting at the door.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

A toast to toast, January 27

At the risk of looking food obsessed (like the last three posts in a row, at least), I'm blogging about it anyway. Here's to toast. It must be the most versatile food out there. Top it with butter, jelly, mustard, peanut butter, or cinnamon and sugar. The boys have been LOVING cinnamon toast as of late. Liam would eat it breakfast, lunch, and dinner if given the chance. Connor, God love 'em, would eat anything I put in front of him.

The first time I made cinnamon toast for Liam you would have thought I'd given him food directly from heaven. "Momma! What is this toast called?" He then proceeded to ask for it for the next 10 straight meals, at least. After a discussion about this treat being a "sometimes food" he deals with it when I tell him it's a cereal or scrambled eggs morning instead. Nothing beats the smile on his face when I do serve it for breakfast, however.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Brownies, January 26

Mark has started back to class. Every Monday and Wednesday he heads out about 5:30 and doesn't return until well after the boys are in bed. This means Momma needs to get creative with evening activities. I mean the poor kids have been stuck with me all day already. I try to do something fun and special. Tonight we baked.

Liam has been asking to make brownies for like two weeks, so brownies it was. He helps measure all the ingredients and pour them into the bowl. Today's picture is of Chef Liam stirring the brownie batter. You'll notice the look of utter concentration. Stirring is tough work, people! Please also note the chocolate smeared on his cheek. I'll give you three guesses how that got there...
Once the batter is ready we spray the pan with cooking spray. Momma has to help Liam with that one, that button needs a lot of pressure. We put the batter into the pan and into the oven it goes. Now for the piece de resistance, the good stuff, the icing on the proverbial cake. Let the licking of the spoon commence! Okay, I'm cheating and posting a second picture. Connor is starting to get involved with the baking process as well. At least that last part!

Hot and Sour, January 25

Okay, so I'm cheating again. I did not actually take this photo. I meant to, but I was so hungry and the soup smelled so good I ate it all up before I got the chance.

We are, at the moment, a family on a serious budget. There are a few treats we haven't given up quite yet. The first is our Sunday morning breakfast at Kip's. I'm sure that blog will be coming shortly. The second is a nice late night dinner with Mark of Chinese take out. We give the boys a kid friendly dinner of nuggets or hot dogs (don't worry Mom, they get veggies too! :P) and off to bed they go. Then Mark heads out to our favorite local Chinese/Polynesian joint for some take out.

Lately I have become obsessed with hot and sour soup. My love affair began when I realized how low calorie an item it was, which for someone trying to watch what they eat is a find indeed on a Chinese menu. Unlike most low calorie food, it is tasty, really tasty. Spicy and sweet, full of chunks of veggies, tofu and shredded pork. Add a little white rice (yes I'm the weirdo who orders steamed rice instead of fried...never liked the stuff) and I'm a happy camper. Such a nice treat after a busy day and on cold night. and sour soup.

Dinner at Memere's, January 24

Today we went to my Mother-in-Law's for dinner. Liam and Connor were in their element. There aren't many "no"s at Memere's house. From the moment we arrive Liam gets down to business. Takes the required walk around the apartment, making sure everything is as he left it. Connor prefers a more organic approach, he just rushes up to the first thing that looks interesting and heads to the next as soon as he loses interest; repeat as needed.

Time to sit down to dinner and Liam isn't sure he wants to leave the books, puzzles, and crayons behind. He finally decides to join us when his choice is boiled down to dinner or time out. Connor meanwhile has been happily seated since the moment the word "dinner" was uttered. He's a bit of a foodie already.

Today's picture captures just a few of the reasons Liam loves these visits so much. Liam is enjoying a piece of Jello cake topped with Cool Whip or "Whipped Cream Pie" as Liam was calling it. No seat necessary, he prefers to eat while standing. You never know when you'll have to drop everything and run. You'll also notice the Bob the Builder DVD playing in the background. Four adults in the room, but we've got Bob on TV. No question who rules the roost at Memere's house :).

Baseball, January 23

Ken Burns sure does know how to tell a story. I've been a fan since I first saw The Civil War air on PBS while I was still in high school. I love his slow style, the way he makes history come to life, how he makes you look at the people behind the events without making it feel forced. Mark and I have been watching a DVD from his Baseball series each night. We've just finished inning 4 and enjoying them very much. I've seen this series several times, but they never seem to get old. I learn something new every time I watch, several somethings actually. Burns reminds me of those great teachers you have had over your lifetime. The ones who love their subject matter so much their passion is contagious. You find yourself interested in things you never imagined you could be. You know; the mating habits of the humpback whale, robotics, the Pythagorean theorem, I could go on... It's nice to know one never fails to learn from the inspiration of others.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Time Out, January 22

I recently mentioned one of Liam's experiences in time out in my other blog. The boy has been trying my patience. He has been spending an ever increasing amount of time in the naughty chair. He doesn't like it, but he can't seem to help himself. He just has to push a little further to see what he can get away with. I just keep drawing the line in the sand and putting his cute little behind back in time out. Today's picture is of Liam in his most familiar, if not favorite spot in the house. This was taken, surprisingly, after only his second trip today. Don't be surprised if next time you visit you notice a little spot worn smooth on the seat of this chair. He'll be spending a lot of time here, until he learns anyway. What do you think? 25? Before he's out of college?

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

One of Those Days, January 21

Today was one of those days, long on hours and short on patience. In addition to the buckets of snow we have in the yard the weather has been very chilly. I bring the boys out to play everyday, but in 7 to 19 degree temperatures we can't stay out for very long.

Today we emptied out the toy box (twice), read every book in the book basket downstairs (we're talking 15 odd books), played under the dining room table, took apart the foam letter/animal puzzle rug in their bedroom, played out in the snow, had an afternoon nap, visited a neighbor, ate breakfast and lunch, watched at least 2 hours of PBS, and we still had lulls. It was one of those days.

The picture today is the boys waiting for the cavalry. Mark was due home and the boys are looking out the window waiting for his arrival. Nothing makes a long day better than some reinforcements, a new face, Daddy :).

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Hope, January 20

Okay, so I didn't take this picture. I wasn't there today, but you can be sure I watched, as did the world. President Obama taking office is a monumental occasion for me; for our country. I am a strong believer in his politics, in his goals for us as a people, in the country he sees us becoming. I am inspired by his words, but more importantly by his actions. Here is a man who could have done just about anything with his life. He chose public service. Not just any public service, but serving a community that most of the country would rather forget, Chicago's south side. He began his career as a community organizer in an area that had little time or money and even less hope. He gave of himself and inspired people to help themselves. I am filled with hope for what we can accomplish as a people with someone with his character and values at the helm. I am proud to be a part of what we have started today. I am looking forward to seeing what we can do. I am ready to, as Mahatma Gandhi once said, be the change I want to see in the world.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Snowed Out, January 19

Just when we thought all the snow we could take had fallen we woke up to another 6-7 inches this morning. All of the nicely shoveled surfaces were once again covered in a thick blanket of white. Liam practically bounced out of bed. Once he saw the snow he was beside himself asking to go outside right away. Connor is pretty indifferent. He likes the idea of going outside, but once he gets out there he is NOT a fan of snow that makes it difficult to walk.

After nap time we headed outdoors. Wait, that makes it sound way too easy. First we went through the ritual 20 minute getting the snow clothes on, no easy feat, I assure you, THEN we headed outdoors. There was about a foot and a half of snow on the ground, plus large piles left from Mark's shoveling. As predicted, Liam had a ball climbing the hills, not minding even when he lost a boot. Connor wasn't really enjoying himself until we got in the backyard.

Today's picture is of the boys inside their playhouse. Normally they'd walk right up and open the door. Today they had to climb in the side all Dukes of Hazzard style. Once they crawled in they got down to the usual business however and had an amazing time. Snow is great, but enough is enough. Although as I type this more snow is falling. Who knows, maybe by tomorrow the playhouse will be covered?

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Snow Day, January 18

We came home late last night to the first snowflakes falling. It was pretty, fluffy, snow globe snow. The meteorologists were predicting 3-6 inches. When we woke up to at least 6 inches already and no sign of slowing I knew it would be a good day for Liam.

It finally started tapering off around 3 PM and 9 inches later. Liam went out to help Daddy shovel. Which consists Liam of throwing snow around with his little shovel, usually in a spot Mark has just finished clearing out. Liam, however, is in his element. He spent the afternoon making snow angels and being pulled around in his sled. Today's picture is of him on top of "the mountain". One of the many fresh snow piles in our front yard.

Trivial Pursuit, January 17

Today was a great family day followed by a night out for Mark and I. Trying to find the balance between parenthood and a life apart is something we've been working on. It was another step in the right direction today.
We spent the day with the boys, playing, reading, eating beef stew, and general debauchery. We spent the night out for a nice dinner and an evening at a friend's get together. Mark played darts, I played board games. There was food and drink for all.
Balance is a wonderful thing.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Storytime, January 16

I have read Food Friends: Fun Foods That Go Together at least 5 times a day for well over a month now. I don't mind, I love reading with the boys, plus it is a short book. Apparently food really isn't that friendly as there are only nine pairings. Both Connor and Liam love the book, but it is Connor's absolute favorite. He will pick it up and walk over with the biggest grin on his face, and say "Buh". Which, if you don't speak Connor, translates to book. Today's picture is my view of this daily (hourly?) ritual. I'm enjoying sharing one of my favorite activities with my children. It is really great to see they're enjoying just as much as I am.

I chew therefore, I am. January 15

Connor is my walking heart attack. This kid will, and does, put anything and everything in his mouth. I pretty much spend half the day taking things away from him*. Food is obvious, and he is indiscriminate. He will grab food from wherever he can get it. His brothers plate, the floor, the trash can now that he can reach it *gag*. As gross as that is, I can at least understand why one would be interested in putting it in their mouth. The other random household items...not so much. Books, mail, shoes (especially Daddy's work boots), crayons, toys, sticks from the yard, banana peels and, as pictured, a hanger. I could fill a book with this list, but I'll stop here. I swear he isn't part bulldog. The silver lining? At least he's not a picky eater!

*The other half, for those of you keeping track is spent picking the stuff up and putting it away after he drops it.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Hide and Seek, January 14

Liam and Connor have taken to playing hide and seek. Well, Liam has taken to playing. Connor will participate in any activity that involves running around, giggling, and his big brother. It doesn't matter to Liam that Connor doesn't get the concept of hiding, that is Liam's favorite part anyway. It doesn't matter to Connor that Liam picks the same three places to hide every time. It just gives him a better chance of finding him and giggling like mad when he does. This picture is the look of disdain I received as Liam was afraid my picture taking would alert Connor to his hiding spot. I decided now was not the time to discuss how the chances were much greater that only hiding in three places was probably a bigger threat to the knowledge of his whereabouts. Secret Agent he is not...

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

All about me. Part 2, January 13

So tonight. Beer, conversation, girls night out. I went to Trinity Brewhouse. It was nice to see old friends, make new friends, and almost remember what it used to be like when I lived my life for me. Children change that. No matter how much a significant person you are outside of parenthood, it changes. No matter how much time you spend at work. No matter how smart you are. No matter how much a life you carve out for yourself. You become a parent. You are Momma, or Daddy, or Mommy, or Dad, or whatever it is you choose to be called. You are, no matter what you are called, forever changed by the experience. It is nice, to remember, every once in awhile what it used to be like. It is nicer, to come home and be a parent again.

Embracing the Addiction, January 12

I have always been a veracious reader. From the time I can remember I pretty much have always had a book with me. I remember being too young to read myself and begging every adult who entered our house to read me The Cat and the Hat Comes Back, my favorite Dr. Seuss story. When I was old enough to read on my own I used to look forward to our weekly visits to the library like most kids look forward to Christmas. I'd puruse the stacks picking out books until I literally couldn't carry any more. I'd usually leave with two grocery bags full. Sounds like a lot, but I was on a two or three book a day habit at that point in my life. I spent all my allowance on purchasing Scholastic Books from the circulars passed out in elementary school. When I started babysitting all my cash went to books. God bless the Waldenbooks at Lincoln Mall, I swear my purchases alone kept that store afloat. I even worked at a bookstore for 7 years of my life. It is one of the habits I carried over into adulthood, one can almost always find a book in my purse. I must admit since becoming a parent spare time is something I just don't have. One of my New Year's resolutions is to spend more time on things I enjoy. Reading is at the top of my list and I must say I dove right back in. Today's snapshot is of the items I'm currently in the middle of reading. What can I say? I'm hooked.