Sunday, March 15, 2009


My laptop is down. I will be continuing to post including all the posts I'm backlogged with. Please continue to check back as I will do my best to post as soon as I can. Things may be a bit more sporadic than usual initially, but I promise to be back up to speed as soon as I can.


Saturday, February 28, 2009

Say Cheese!, February 28

Oh, cheese. How do we love thee? Let me count the ways. You are an amazing afternoon snack. You fit perfectly on a sandwich or in a bologna "roll-up". We add you to macaroni, your soul mate, for a nice comforting meal. Easily portable, you're a food on the go. Each trip to the deli would not be complete without a piece of cheese. You are even there for us at Kip's on Sunday mornings. The same sweet Heather who makes our pancakes makes sure each boy leaves with a piece of cheese on the way out the door. American, provolone, cheddar, Swiss, we love you all.

I'm pretty sure Connor's look of sheer joy says it best.

Weather, February 27

Curiosity may have killed the cat, but it sure doesn't harm anyone in this house. Liam's latest interest has been the weather. I think it started with an episode of Curious George. Now he looks out the window every day and tells me all about what's going on in the wonderful world of weather.

"It's windy out today, Momma. Look at how those trees are moving!"
"Mr. Sunshine is behind the clouds today."
"It is nice and sunny, let's go outside!"

Today's picture was taken as my little meteorologist was assessing how quickly the clouds were moving, how dark they seemed to be, and whether all of that meant rain. For those of you naysayers, he does better than channel 10!

Pancakes and Flapjacks, February 26

The boys have been requesting pancakes breakfast, lunch, and dinner all week. Not sure what is up with it, but they're cheap and fairly easy so I cave, at least for breakfast. I think they'd eat their weight in pancakes if possible.

Daddy has started a new game with them which I think has only added to the fascination. He calls it "Flapjacks". It basically consists of Mark holding the boys over his head until they nearly burst from giggling so long and then he flips them over onto the couch or bed. They, obviously, adore this game. In honor of the week-long griddlefest and Daddy's newest activity I've posted today's picture.

Safety First, February 25

Admittedly, not the best picture. If you know Liam, however, it's a common look. He is obsessed with his helmet. Grandma sent it long ago and he's been looking for any excuse to wear it from then on. He is now able to put it on himself and will, pardon the pun, at the drop of a hat. He wears it when riding his big wheel or tricycle (good). He wears it while being pulled in his wagon (a little unnecessary). He wears it while pretending to cut the front lawn, lamenting that he can't fit his ear protection over it (this one is just weird). Never can be too safe, you know! Liam takes note of all bike riders and motorcyclists who drive by our house. Commenting for all to hear, "She has her helmet on, Momma". Or even better, "Why is that man not wearing his helmet?" just loud enough so the man turns to double check. Why, yes, sir. That was a two year old commenting on your lack of safety precaution.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Under Lock and Key, February 24

This is my cupboard. Just one of the many, but each looks like this. Each one locked up tight, except for that one where the childproof lock was snapped off by one of the children it was supposed to be proofing. Why is everything locked up you may ask? Kids are faster than lightening, that's why. Try to turn your back for a moment, next thing you know the kitchen floor is covered in cereal. Or an entire roll of paper towels is unfurled in a pile. Or every can on the shelf has been taken down and used in lieu of blocks, one can only assume, to build a tower. Or a little boy who loves to bake pulls out a five pound bag of sugar and tries to eat it by the fistful. I wish these were only "what ifs". Oh no, they are reasons. Reminders to lock that annoying childproofing device behind you. Reasons why every cupboard in my house looks just like this one.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Ducks in a Row, February 23

Trucks, cars, motorcycles. Wooden, metal, plastic. Vehicles that make noise, vehicles that take off when pushed, vehicles that are big enough to ride on. We've got that. Something for any occasion. In a house with two boys we are not hurting for toy vehicles. The last few days the random collection of smallish hand held cars and trucks have been Liam's favorite pastime. He doesn't really race them or roll them all over the house. His favorite game is parking lot. He loves nothing more than to get all his toy cars lined up in a row. Perfectly neat and orderly. He just about throws a fit if Connor tries to remove a car from the lot. I took this picture once the boys had gone upstairs for a nap. Wouldn't want to accidentally bump one with Liam around to catch me :)...